Caitlin  Andrews

Caitlin Andrews

Solutions Consultant

Caitlin has spent over a decade leading creative teams and building photo studios. She now works at Creative Force as a Solutions Consultant helping other studios leverage the power of Creative Force for their studios.

Course Audience

This course is ideal for the project lead or members of the project team responsible for rolling out Creative Force. As a learner, you will find this content is most relevant if you are seeking best practices for the management of your rollout team (or the team responsible for implementing Creative Force to your organization).

Course Description

Effective management of the rollout team translates to a far more effective rollout of Creative Force. In this unit, we provide you with our best practices for managing your rollout team week to week. Throughout this unit, we share with you: 

  • Our suggestions for meeting cadence

  • Our suggested weekly meeting agenda 

  • An effective method for tacking rollout milestones and tasks

  • Our method for tracking and resolving  issues during your rollout

We’ve also provided you with a downloadable version of every tool presented in this unit to use with your team. At the end of this unit, you’ll be ready to set a recurring meeting with your rollout team and lead structured rollout team meetings.

About this course

  • Free
  • 30 minutes
  • 60 minutes

Course Content

    1. Unit Objectives

    1. Rollout Team Meeting Best Practices

    2. Suggested Meeting Agenda

    1. Introducing the Weekly Meeting Agenda to Your Team

    2. Resources