Daniel Jester

Daniel Jester

Creative Force Chief Evangelist

Daniel Jester is an experienced creative production professional who has managed production teams, built and launched new studios, and produced large-scale projects. He’s worked in-house at brands like Amazon, Nordstrom, and Farfetch as well as commercial studios like CONVYR. Creative-minded, while able to effectively plan for and manage a complex project, he bridges the gap between spreadsheets and creative talent.

Course Audience

This course is for creatives and studio managers alike using Creative Force’s Cloud video module to manage the creation of e-commerce video content. 


Studios around the world came to us with the same request: how can we use Creative Force to improve our video production workflows the way we have for our e-commerce still-imagery?

Cloud Video is our answer. 

We created our Cloud Video module to empower video content production with the same functionality we offer for e-commerce still-imagery production. 

In this course, we walk you through the Cloud Video module end-to-end, including:

  • Setting up your external post-production vendor via FTP

  • Configuring your presets 

  • Enabling your users with the right skills and permissions for videography

  • Setting up your workflows to handle your video production

  • Configuring your style guides to ensure you produce the exact video content that is required

  • How to make video selections in Kelvin

  • How to handle final selection 

  • How to execute photo review

  • How external post-production is handle

  • How external post-production QC is handled 

  • How video assets are delivered from Creative Force to their final destination

At the end of this course, you’ll understand every step of producing video content in Creative Force and earn a shiny new Creative Force certificate to prove it. 

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 35 minutes video
  • 60 minute completion time
  • Creative Force Video Production Certificate

Upon completing this course, you will receive a certificate of completion you can share on LinkedIn or anywhere else you feel like sharing your accomplishment!

Course Content

    1. Introduction To Cloud Video with Daniel Jester

    1. External Vendor Set Up For Video

    2. Connection Credentials (FTP)

    1. Presets with Daniel Jester

    1. Enabling User Skills

    2. Reference Image Alerts

    3. Create Video Production Type

    1. Creating A Video Workflow

    2. Photo & Video Settings

    3. Post-Production Settings

    4. Asset Delivery

    5. Video Workflows with Daniel Jester

    1. Creating A Video Style Guide

    2. Photo & Video Settings

    3. Everything Else In Style Guides

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