Daniel Jester

Daniel Jester

Creative Force Chief Evangelist

Daniel Jester is an experienced creative production professional who has managed production teams, built and launched new studios, and produced large-scale projects. He’s worked in-house at brands like Amazon, Nordstrom, and Farfetch as well as commercial studios like CONVYR. Creative-minded, while able to effectively plan for and manage a complex project, he bridges the gap between spreadsheets and creative talent.

Course Audience

This course is for high-volume e-commerce sample managers who want to learn how to use Creative Force’s sample tracking features to manage their physical samples as they are moved to different locations around their studio.


Let's be honest: sample management can be a total nightmare. As a sample manager, you’ve probably experienced some of the following:

  • Not being able to locate the samples that are needed on set
  • Samples accidentally being sent to a different location without your knowledge
  • Samples being lost with no way of tracking their whereabouts
  • Samples being made available for the wrong shoot
  • A lack of transparency or ability to view the location and availability of your samples in one place
  • The inability to associate samples with one another to create outfits
  • Data that provides a birds-eye view around sample availability

All the above makes sample management difficult. Needlessly difficult. That is why we built the tools necessary for managing all of your samples directly into Creative Force.

As part of this course, you’ll learn critical concepts like:

  • Jobs, Samples, and Products in Creative Force and how the three relate to one another
  • Creative Force locations and how they map onto physical locations in your studio
  • “Checking in” Samples and “checking out” Samples
  • The difference between Sample codes and Creative Force Sample Codes
  • Imported Product Status
  • Outfits and Wardrobes

Then, you will learn about the functionality that drives sample management in Creative Force. This will include learning how to:

  • Setting your Samples' Imported Product Status
  • Configuring your different locations’ settings
  • Configuring your computer locations
  • Review your location default settings
  • Import Product properties
  • Import Sample properties
  • Upload Data via CSV
  • Upload Data via API
  • Upload Data via a Data Source
  • Create sample labels
  • Five methods for checking samples in
  • Change the location of a sample
  • Check a Sample out
  • Configure flow alerts
  • Create outfits and manage your wardrobe
  • Utilize our Sample Management Report

At the end of it all, you’ll receive a shiny new Creative Force for Sample Management certificate you can share on LinkedIn to let the world know you are a certified Creative Force Sample Manager and master of “Flow Production.”

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 74 lessons
  • 40 minutes of video
  • 90 minutes to complete
  • Creative Force Sample Management Certification

Upon completing this course, you will receive a certificate of completion you can share on LinkedIn or anywhere else you feel like sharing your accomplishment!

Course Content

    1. Creative Force & Sample Management

    2. The Importance Of Sample Management

    1. Lesson Objectives

    2. Defining Jobs, Products, And Samples

    3. More About Jobs

    4. Use Cases For Jobs

    5. Products

    6. Product Status

    7. More About Samples

    8. The Relationship Between Jobs, Products, And Samples

    9. Jobs, Products, And Samples with Daniel Jester

    10. Final Note On Jobs, Products, And Samples

    1. Lesson Objectives

    2. The End Of Lost Samples

    3. Locations & Sub-Locations

    4. Check-In And Check Out Concept

    5. Complex Location And Sub-Location Scenario

    6. Check-In And Check Out Example

    1. Container Concept with Daniel Jester

    1. A Look Ahead At The Next Few Lessons

    1. Imported Product Status

    2. Imported Product Status with Daniel Jester