Daniel Jester

Daniel Jester

Creative Force Chief Evangelist

Daniel Jester is an experienced creative production professional who has managed production teams, built and launched new studios, and produced large-scale projects. He’s worked in-house at brands like Amazon, Nordstrom, and Farfetch as well as commercial studios like CONVYR. Creative-minded, while able to effectively plan for and manage a complex project, he bridges the gap between spreadsheets and creative talent.

Course Audience

This course is for high-volume e-commerce photographers who want to learn how to use Creative Force’s Kelvin photographer application to capture digital assets in a more efficient and data-driven way.


Kelvin is our application for photographers and is one of the pillars that form the foundation of Creative Force and our concept of ‘Flow Production.’ It’s designed to remove all the worst aspects of high-volume e-commerce photography.

As a photographer, you're probably all too familiar with some of the following:

  • Miscommunication about what shots are required
  • Miscommunication about how many shots are required
  • Being provided style guides that are outdated
  • Unclear art direction from Art Directors
  • Disorganized processes around re-shooting
  • Manual or non-existent processes for providing instructions to the retouching team
  • Uploading assets via intranets or cloud services with disorganized file structures
  • Samples being lost on their way to set
  • Unclear feedback on why images need to re-shoot
  • A lack of data around the team on set and how efficient they work together

Do some of those sound a bit too familiar? If so, you are in luck: in this course, you will be learning a whole new way of capturing high-volume e-commerce photography that removes all the worst aspects of the creative process and allows youto focus solely on your craft.

As part of this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Install Kelvin on your machine and sign in to your Creative Force account
  • Configure your workspace including your Working Folder and Watch folder
  • Set up your team on set, computer location, and general settings
  • Connect Capture one to Kelvin with our Capture One Integration
  • Better manage your assets and crop directly in Kelvin using the watch folder functionality
  • Understand what shots, poses, and art direction is associated with the product you are shooting with Style Guides
  • Select images simply by dragging and dropping with our selection feature
  • Understand the different photography workflow settings and how they determine who makes selections at which point in the process
  • Create outfits as a photographer
  • Leave instructions for their post-production team
  • Utilize reference images to nail the perfect shot
  • Transfer images to the next stage of the creative production process
  • Where to access Gamma insights
  • How to read Gamma insights to learn about which teams work best together and identify potential inefficiencies

At the end of it all, you’ll receive a shiny Creative Force for Photographers certificate you can share on LinkedIn to let the world know you are a certified Creative Force Photographer and master of ‘Flow Production.”

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 65 lessons
  • 44 minutes of video
  • 90 minutes to complete
  • Creative Force Photographers Certification

Upon completing this course, you will receive a certificate of completion you can share on LinkedIn or anywhere else you feel like sharing your accomplishment!

Course Content

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. Signing Into Kelvin

    3. Downloading Kelvin

    4. Working Folder Setup

    5. Working Folder Setup with Daniel Jester

    6. Introduction to Computer Locations

    7. How to Set Your Computer Location

    8. Watch Folder

    9. Watch Folder Setup with Daniel Jester

    1. Lesson Objectives

    2. Accessing General Settings

    3. External Applications

    4. Transfer Reaction

    5. Confirmation Dialogue

    6. Idle Reaction

    7. Planned Session

    8. General Settings with Daniel Jester

    9. Team On Set

    10. Team on Set with Daniel Jester

    11. Set Production Type

    12. Style Guides

    13. Style Guides with Daniel Jester

    1. Working With A Session

    2. Connected Sessions

    1. Lesson Objectives

    2. Watch Folder Setup with Daniel Jester

    3. Watch Folder Functionality with Daniel Jester

    4. Introduction To Scan And Confirm

    5. Select A Production Task

    6. Select A Sample

    7. Confirming A Product

    8. Final Selection Introduction

    9. Exploring Selection Features

    10. Who Makes Selections

    11. Photography Workflow Settings

    12. Final Selection By Photographer

    13. Final Selection In Web With Pre-Selection By Photographer

    14. Drag & Drop Images

    15. Selections In Action with Daniel Jester

    16. Final Selection In Gamma

    17. Color Reference Explained

    18. About Our Capture One Integration

    19. Capture One Setup with Daniel Jester

    20. Cropping Mode

    21. Capture Keyboard Shortcuts

    1. About The Shot List

    2. Mass Import Product Codes

    1. The Power Of Outfits

    2. Outfit Creation with Daniel Jester